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terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2016
segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2016
La segunda conquista asiática del Jeonbuk
Japón 2016
La segunda conquista asiática del Jeonbuk
Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors selló su billete para la Copa Mundial de Clubes
de la FIFA que se disputará del 8 al 18 de diciembre en Japón tras
derrotar al Al Ain, de Emiratos Árabes Unidos, en la final a doble
partido de la Liga de Campeones de la AFC. Los Noksekjunsa (Guerreros verdes)
obtuvieron un triunfo vital por 2-1 en la ida gracias a un doblete de
Leonardo. En la vuelta, los de Choi Kanghee empataron a uno en Abu Dabi,
después de que los locales erraran un penal.
El triunfo continental del representante surcoreano llegó diez años después de ceñirse su primera corona asiática. En los cuartos de final de la Copa Mundial de Clubes, el Jeonbuk se medirá al Club América, un viejo conocido, ya que ambos se enfrentaron por primera vez hace una década en el mismo torneo.
El campeón
Si bien fue primero del Grupo E en mayo, el Jeonbuk tuvo que emplearse a fondo para superar a sus tres rivales de la zona. Finalmente, le arrebató el primer puesto al FC Tokio gracias a su mejor diferencia de goles, y eso a pesar de haber encajado dos derrotas a manos del Jiangsu Suning chino y del Becamex Binh Duong vietnamita. A continuación, el Jeonbuk protagonizó una valerosa racha en los cruces, donde permaneció invicto, y eliminó en octavos al Melbourne Victory australiano
En el choque de vuelta de cuartos, los surcoreanos pusieron sobre aviso a sus rivales con un triunfo arrollador por 5-0 sobre el Shanghái. En semifinales, se deshicieron de sus vecinos y rivales del FC Seúl por un marcador global de 5-3, con sendos dobletes de la pareja brasileña formada por Leonardo y Ricardo.
Momentos clave
Pese a la decepción por quedarse a las puertas de la gloria en la Liga de Campeones de la AFC, Omar Abdulrahman, el talentoso centrocampista ofensivo del Al Ain, fue nombrado mejor jugador del torneo, una distinción que quizá le aporte algo de consuelo.
Por su parte, Adriano, delantero del FC Seúl, terminó primero en la lista de máximos goleadores con 13 tantos, igualando el récord establecido por Muriqui con el Guangzhou Evergrande en 2013. El artillero firmó dos tripletas, y anotó otros cuatro goles contra el Buriram United tailandés, pero no pudo evitar que su equipo cayera en semifinales a manos del Jeonbuk. Su compatriota brasileño Leonardo, con diez goles, fue segundo en la clasificación.
El Guangzhou Evergrande, defensor del título, ni siquiera pudo alcanzar las eliminatorias tras un comienzo muy dubitativo en el Grupo H. Incapaz de ganar en las cuatro primeras jornadas, el campeón de 2015 venció en los dos últimos partidos, pero su tardía reacción no fue suficiente para superar la liguilla. Entretanto, el Pohang Steelers, el equipo más laureado de la competición con tres entorchados, acabó último del Grupo H, por detrás del Guangzhou Evergrande, que fue tercero.
El dato
32: Son los goles que ha registrado Lee Donggook, el incombustible delantero del Jeonbuk, en la Liga de Campeones de la AFC, convirtiéndose así en el máximo goleador histórico de la competición. El internacional surcoreano, que suma 103 partidos con su selección, anotó cinco dianas más en la campaña de 2016.
La frase
"Es nuestro primer título desde 2006. Estoy muy contento. Cuando perdimos en 2011 vi muy triste a nuestra afición, así que ganar la Liga de Campeones de la AFC es un sueño inolvidable. Tras mi paso por la selección y mi regreso al Jeonbuk, nuestra idea siempre había sido armar un equipo capaz de ganar la Liga de Campeones de la AFC. Y por fin ha llegado. Quiero dar las gracias a la afición. Esto va por ellos".
Choi Kanghee, entrenador del Jeonbuk, tras la final.
"Me gustaría decir a los aficionados que siento este resultado, y espero que nos sigan animando como lo han hecho hoy, llenando el estadio. Les prometemos que lucharemos en todas las competiciones: en la Liga de Campeones de la AFC, en Liga, en Copa y en todo".
Omar Abdulrahman, capitán del Al Ain.
El triunfo continental del representante surcoreano llegó diez años después de ceñirse su primera corona asiática. En los cuartos de final de la Copa Mundial de Clubes, el Jeonbuk se medirá al Club América, un viejo conocido, ya que ambos se enfrentaron por primera vez hace una década en el mismo torneo.
El campeón
Si bien fue primero del Grupo E en mayo, el Jeonbuk tuvo que emplearse a fondo para superar a sus tres rivales de la zona. Finalmente, le arrebató el primer puesto al FC Tokio gracias a su mejor diferencia de goles, y eso a pesar de haber encajado dos derrotas a manos del Jiangsu Suning chino y del Becamex Binh Duong vietnamita. A continuación, el Jeonbuk protagonizó una valerosa racha en los cruces, donde permaneció invicto, y eliminó en octavos al Melbourne Victory australiano
En el choque de vuelta de cuartos, los surcoreanos pusieron sobre aviso a sus rivales con un triunfo arrollador por 5-0 sobre el Shanghái. En semifinales, se deshicieron de sus vecinos y rivales del FC Seúl por un marcador global de 5-3, con sendos dobletes de la pareja brasileña formada por Leonardo y Ricardo.
Momentos clave
Pese a la decepción por quedarse a las puertas de la gloria en la Liga de Campeones de la AFC, Omar Abdulrahman, el talentoso centrocampista ofensivo del Al Ain, fue nombrado mejor jugador del torneo, una distinción que quizá le aporte algo de consuelo.
Por su parte, Adriano, delantero del FC Seúl, terminó primero en la lista de máximos goleadores con 13 tantos, igualando el récord establecido por Muriqui con el Guangzhou Evergrande en 2013. El artillero firmó dos tripletas, y anotó otros cuatro goles contra el Buriram United tailandés, pero no pudo evitar que su equipo cayera en semifinales a manos del Jeonbuk. Su compatriota brasileño Leonardo, con diez goles, fue segundo en la clasificación.
El Guangzhou Evergrande, defensor del título, ni siquiera pudo alcanzar las eliminatorias tras un comienzo muy dubitativo en el Grupo H. Incapaz de ganar en las cuatro primeras jornadas, el campeón de 2015 venció en los dos últimos partidos, pero su tardía reacción no fue suficiente para superar la liguilla. Entretanto, el Pohang Steelers, el equipo más laureado de la competición con tres entorchados, acabó último del Grupo H, por detrás del Guangzhou Evergrande, que fue tercero.
El dato
32: Son los goles que ha registrado Lee Donggook, el incombustible delantero del Jeonbuk, en la Liga de Campeones de la AFC, convirtiéndose así en el máximo goleador histórico de la competición. El internacional surcoreano, que suma 103 partidos con su selección, anotó cinco dianas más en la campaña de 2016.
La frase
"Es nuestro primer título desde 2006. Estoy muy contento. Cuando perdimos en 2011 vi muy triste a nuestra afición, así que ganar la Liga de Campeones de la AFC es un sueño inolvidable. Tras mi paso por la selección y mi regreso al Jeonbuk, nuestra idea siempre había sido armar un equipo capaz de ganar la Liga de Campeones de la AFC. Y por fin ha llegado. Quiero dar las gracias a la afición. Esto va por ellos".
Choi Kanghee, entrenador del Jeonbuk, tras la final.
"Me gustaría decir a los aficionados que siento este resultado, y espero que nos sigan animando como lo han hecho hoy, llenando el estadio. Les prometemos que lucharemos en todas las competiciones: en la Liga de Campeones de la AFC, en Liga, en Copa y en todo".
Omar Abdulrahman, capitán del Al Ain.
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In the Arena of the Amazon, South America defeats Holland and conquers the Amazonian Championship of Infantile Soccer
Na Arena da Amazônia, Sul América vence Holanda e conquista o Campeonato Amazonense de Futebol Infantil
Postado em
temporada recebeu apoio do Governo do Amazonas, via Secretaria de
Estado de Juventude, Esporte e Lazer (Sejel) – foto: Antônio Lima/Sejel
Gabriel fez os dois gols para o time da Glória no tempo normal, após Thierry marcar para o Holanda. “Foi a primeira vez que marquei na Arena. É muito emocionante e não tenho nem palavras. Agradeço à torcida que sempre vem nos apoiando e conseguimos sair com a vitória. Foi um jogo muito difícil, o Holanda é um time muito bom, mas soubemos trabalhar e conseguimos o título”, comemorou o meio-campista, improvisado como atacante na partida.
Feliz com o primeiro título na carreira, o treinador do Sul América, Paulão, enalteceu o trabalho dos garotos que superaram as dificuldades e conquistaram a taça após meses de muito trabalho.
“Ser campeão dentro da Arena emociona. É meu primeiro título, o Sul América é um time considerado pequeno, treinávamos duas vezes na semana e só. Os meninos são obedientes e tudo isso mostra o quanto foi suado. Os meninos estão de parabéns”, comemorou o treinador, bastante emocionado.
Artilheiro lamenta
Dono da artilharia do estadual com 17 gols, o atacante do Holanda Thierry lamentou a perda do título. “Todo mundo jogou bem, mas foi mérito do Sul América. Agora é trabalhar para levantar a taça ano que vem”, disse o atacante que mandou a bola por cima do gol na disputa dos pênaltis.
O jogo
A pressão do Sul América em busca de reverter o placar de 2 a 1 da primeira partida da final foi intensa. Com ataques bem elaborados que vez ficavam na zaga, nas mãos do goleiro e mesmo na trave do Holanda, não foram suficientes para balançar a rede até os 30 minutos iniciais.
O amplo domínio sul-americano só foi quebrado aos 32 minutos. Thierry aproveitou o rebote do goleiro Lucas e de perna esquerda abriu o placar: 1 a 0. O gol de empate do Trem da Colina não demorou a sair. Aos 34, Gabriel recebeu na entrada da grande, a bola passou por três zagueiros e morreu no fundo do gol: 1 a 1.
O gol de empate motivou o Trem da Colina que novamente foi para o ataque. No rápido toque de bola, aos 47 minutos, Warlen deixou Gabriel na entrada da pequena área, o volante se livrou da marcação e fez o segundo gol dele na partida e o segundo do Sul América.
Assim como na etapa inicial, o Trem da Colina dominou a partida e conseguiu levar a decisão para a disputa de pênaltis, onde também manteve o domínio e errou menos. Lucas, Lúcio, Chris e Iran marcaram, enquanto Gabriel perdeu para o Trem. Matheus e Fernando balançaram a rede do Sul América, mas Thierry e Carlos desperdiçaram para o Holanda.
Com informações da assessoria
Lateral-direito amazonense Andrey prossegue como titular no futebol holandês
Lateral-direito amazonense Andrey prossegue como titular no futebol holandês
Postado em
Amazonense Andrey atuou em nove dos dez jogos do VVA Spartaan na temporada 2016/2017 – foto: divulgação
A exemplo de nomes como o atacante França, meias Iriney e Marcelinho, volante Lima e lateral-esquerdo André Luiz que saíram do Amazonas e chegaram ao futebol mais badalado do planeta, o camisa dois do VVA Spartaan garantiu estar focado em seus planos na Europa.
“Estou focado aqui. Os clubes possuem estrutura e existe vontade da minha parte de ficar a vida toda na Holanda. Não tem como comparar, aqui o jogador é valorizado demais”, disse o atleta, que geralmente divide quarto de alojamento e concentração nos jogos com o zagueiro paulista Marcos Junior.
Após passagens pelo Gás (RR), Nacional (AM) e Ypiranga (AP), negociações frustradas com Alpha United da Guiana Inglesa, hoje Andrey é um dos homens de confiança do técnico sérvio Peter Djenic, que ainda conta com o turco Meric Serdar e senegalês Papis Dieng para a lateral-direita.
Sobre uma possível transferência para um clube de outra divisão da Holanda, o atleta despistou: “meu foco é o VVA Spartaan, mas caso apareça proposta irrecusável não terá com pensar duas vezes”, disse o jogador que atuou nas nove partidas do time de Amsterdã, pela terceira divisão da liga holandesa de futebol.
“Apenas não fui relacionado para uma partida, pois estava lesionado. O treinador gosta do meu futebol e confia em meu trabalho. Isso me deixa muito contente”, revelou o lateral, cria do bairro Santo Antônio, na Zona Oeste de Manaus.
Espelhos e incentivo
Como algo normal aos jogadores de futebol, o manauense Andrey espelha-se em dois grandes nomes do futebol mundial. “Os laterais Daniel Alves e o ex-jogador Cafu são exemplos a serem seguidos, os vejo como grandes ídolos do futebol do Brasil”.
Antigo comandante do Grêmio Atlético Sampaio de Roraima, o técnico Patrick Souza foi quem descobriu o talento amazonense. “Me incentivava muito, ele que me apoiou a jogar na lateral-direita”, outra grande referência para o jogador é a vó materna, dona Inês Mattos, “nunca deixava eu abaixar a cabeça, é muito especial para mim”, reforçou.
Após a ida à Europa, o jogador precisou se adaptar ao idioma praticado no país. Andrey hoje estuda inglês e holandês em uma escola de idiomas próximo ao alojamento do Centro de Treinamento do VVA Spartaan. “Procuro usar os meios mais acessíveis, pois muitos falam inglês na Holanda, através desse idioma eu consigo entender algumas comunicações básicas. Já estou conseguindo me comunicar bem melhor, foi muito difícil no começo, mas aos poucos a gente se desenrola”, disse.
Longe de uma de suas apreciações, o açaí e o guaraná, Andrey se adaptou a culinária europeia e não tem o que reclamar. “Comida turca são as minhas prediletas, mas sempre rola um sushi. Sempre quando posso vou aos restaurantes brasileiros, tem muita culinária brasileira aqui na Holanda”, revelou o jogador que quando morava em Manaus apreciava um belo tambaqui assado “esse ainda não vi por aqui, mas quem sabe em algum momento”, brincou.
Eu sou Leão Brauna
,Parabenizo jogadores do Holanda e família e os jogadores da diretoria
do Sul América presidente Luís Costa e Companheiros Marcelo Galvão,
Júnior Mendes e Colégio Palace antenas e todos do Sul América São os
votos de agradecimento do presidente do Holanda Clube R.P.E / Tira
dentes pelos títulos de campeão e vice amazonense o presidente do
Holanda agradece ao Dr. Francisco Mealheiros pelo apoio da clínica
integral nois somos campeões juntos a federação amazonense do futebol
na pessoa do presidente dissica e Ivan da silva Guimarães diretor e
futebol da FAF e o nosso brilhante tribunal de justiça de esportivo por
tudo ao presidente da CAAF Vlademi presidente da mesma e a associação
dos árbitros do estado do Amazonas por tudo Ass: Evellyn Brauna Neta do
Leão Brauna Agradeço
CurtirMostrar mais reações
Unsung Ogle living the dream
FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup
Unsung Ogle living the dream
© Getty Images
forwards might be grabbing all the headlines at the 2016 FIFA U-20
Women’s World Cup, but behind every success story, there is invariably
an unsung hero. Emily Ogle might just be that person for the Stars and
Stripes’ Class of 2016.
A captain for a chunk of the campaign prior to Papua New Guinea 2016, Ogle is a hard-working cog in the centre of midfield, keeping the ball moving in possession and closing down opposition space when in defence. She describes her key attributes as “technical, analytical and competitive”. Perfect characteristics for a midfield pivot role. Ogle has shared the defensive midfield role with Katie Cousins during Papua New Guinea 2016, pushing a little higher in the midfield diamond at other times.
Growing up in Strongsville, Ohio, Ogle had posters of USA icons Mia Hamm and Brandi Chastain on her wall when she was young, undoubtedly fantasising about playing out her own football ambitions. Now over a decade later, she is quite literally living the dream, rubbing shoulders amongst the world’s best for the age-group. “It has always been a dream of mine to play in a World Cup, and to play for the US national team,” Ogle told “It is pretty awesome that I am finally here and also that my parents were able to come.”
Indeed Ogle’s parents arrived just in time to see USA’s memorable 2-1 come-from-behind win over Mexico. It was, in fact, the first time they had been present to see their daughter don the USA shirt. “I’m so glad they could see me play, and there was a lot of emotions,” said Ogle. “It wasn’t easy for them to come because I have four brothers back home.”
Humility and resilience
Ogle is one of six players at the tournament from Penn State University – an institute renowned for the quality and quantity of its football production line. Even one of Germany’s players at Papua New Guinea 2016 – Laura Freigang – attends the University.
Ogle, who is majoring in Kinesiology, is reluctant to talk too much about her leadership role within the team. “There are a lot of us (leaders) on any given day, but I enjoy it and try to embrace it,” Ogle said. One gets the impression humility is in the Ogle DNA.
That said, there is no doubting USA’s mental fortitude. The three-time champions were ten minutes away from elimination yet still found a way to win their quarter-final against Mexico, having also come from behind to draw against Ghana in the group stage.
“We always want to put our best foot forward,” says Ogle, when asked about USA’s mindset. “We always believe we can win, and the match (against Mexico) was a perfect example of that. It is just the way we play and the USA mentality … that we can push through and get the result.”
Ogle’s history with the national team dates all the way back to 2010 and U-14s selection. However, USA missed qualification for the 2014 FIFA U-17 World Cup, meaning Ogle is in the midst of her first experience on the global stage.
“It has been a crazy experience so far, it has been awesome,” continued the 20-year-old. “For most of us this is our first big event. But we are not done yet, and are excited for the next game.
“Everyone has been so nice and friendly in Papua New Guinea. Everyone will give you a little wave. It is cool and it is not every day you get to come to places like this. I think we are all very fortunate to get to come to places like this, and see the world and do it with our team-mates.”
A captain for a chunk of the campaign prior to Papua New Guinea 2016, Ogle is a hard-working cog in the centre of midfield, keeping the ball moving in possession and closing down opposition space when in defence. She describes her key attributes as “technical, analytical and competitive”. Perfect characteristics for a midfield pivot role. Ogle has shared the defensive midfield role with Katie Cousins during Papua New Guinea 2016, pushing a little higher in the midfield diamond at other times.
Growing up in Strongsville, Ohio, Ogle had posters of USA icons Mia Hamm and Brandi Chastain on her wall when she was young, undoubtedly fantasising about playing out her own football ambitions. Now over a decade later, she is quite literally living the dream, rubbing shoulders amongst the world’s best for the age-group. “It has always been a dream of mine to play in a World Cup, and to play for the US national team,” Ogle told “It is pretty awesome that I am finally here and also that my parents were able to come.”
Indeed Ogle’s parents arrived just in time to see USA’s memorable 2-1 come-from-behind win over Mexico. It was, in fact, the first time they had been present to see their daughter don the USA shirt. “I’m so glad they could see me play, and there was a lot of emotions,” said Ogle. “It wasn’t easy for them to come because I have four brothers back home.”
Humility and resilience
Ogle is one of six players at the tournament from Penn State University – an institute renowned for the quality and quantity of its football production line. Even one of Germany’s players at Papua New Guinea 2016 – Laura Freigang – attends the University.
Ogle, who is majoring in Kinesiology, is reluctant to talk too much about her leadership role within the team. “There are a lot of us (leaders) on any given day, but I enjoy it and try to embrace it,” Ogle said. One gets the impression humility is in the Ogle DNA.
That said, there is no doubting USA’s mental fortitude. The three-time champions were ten minutes away from elimination yet still found a way to win their quarter-final against Mexico, having also come from behind to draw against Ghana in the group stage.
“We always want to put our best foot forward,” says Ogle, when asked about USA’s mindset. “We always believe we can win, and the match (against Mexico) was a perfect example of that. It is just the way we play and the USA mentality … that we can push through and get the result.”
Ogle’s history with the national team dates all the way back to 2010 and U-14s selection. However, USA missed qualification for the 2014 FIFA U-17 World Cup, meaning Ogle is in the midst of her first experience on the global stage.
“It has been a crazy experience so far, it has been awesome,” continued the 20-year-old. “For most of us this is our first big event. But we are not done yet, and are excited for the next game.
“Everyone has been so nice and friendly in Papua New Guinea. Everyone will give you a little wave. It is cool and it is not every day you get to come to places like this. I think we are all very fortunate to get to come to places like this, and see the world and do it with our team-mates.”
African eight set for U-17 finals
FIFA U-17 World Cup
African eight set for U-17 finals
(African Football Media)
© Getty Images
line-up for next year's CAF Africa U-17 Cup of Nations is set with
eight nations qualifying for the April 2017 event, which serves as the
final step on the road to the FIFA U-17 World Cup India 2017.
There was plenty of drama in the return legs of the third round of qualifying as late goals changed outcomes in the dying moments of the matches, as seven teams joined hosts Madagascar.
Tanzania, who had stunned South Africa in the second round, were one of the teams that were knocked out by a late goal. Having beaten Congo 3-2 in the first leg, the Serengeti Boys managed to hold their opponents to a goalless draw in Brazzaville deep into injury time and would have qualified had the results stayed that way. But Edouard Mountou's late goal for a 1-0 win for Congo, saw Tanzania knocked out and the home side through.
Another team that benefited from their never-give-up attitude was Guinea. Their game against Senegal had to be postponed after the designated referees experienced transport problems and as a result could only be played on Monday. Guinea won the first match 1-0 in Senegal and went into the return leg confident that they would be one of the eight teams to play in Madagascar, but a first-half goal from Cheick Ahmadou Dieng for Senegal levelled matters.
Despite pushing forward in search of an equaliser, Guinea struggled to find a way through a strong Senegalese back-line until the last minute of the match when Sekou Camara found the goal that broke Senegalese hearts, but gave Guinea a 1-1 draw, which was good enough for them to advance.
In Libreville, fans were treated to two goals in the last two minutes, but unfortunately for the home side, one of them was for the visitors Niger, who had sensationally knocked out Nigeria in the first round and travelled to Gabon defending a 1-0 first-leg lead.
Fahd Richard Moubeti gave the home crowd something to cheer about as he scored a hat-trick – including two penalties, but Ibrahim Marou found the net twice for the 2015 hosts, who even managed a third for a 3-3 draw through Hamid Ajina. The result saw the Young Menas advance 4-3 on aggregate.
Two-time world champions Ghana, made it through to the finals 3-1 on aggregate after playing to a goalless draw against Côte d'Ivoire in Abidjan, with the Black Starlets' coach Paa Kwesi Fabin saying that his team had stuck to their game plan. “We saw that the Ivorians are good passers of the ball, they play the academy type of football, and we tried to contain and prevent them from scoring. Now I am just happy that we qualified,” he said.
Trio win big
The defending champions Mali had few troubles in overcoming Ethiopia 4-1 on aggregate to stay on course to retain their title. Les Aiglonnets secured a 2-1 win in Addis Ababa to add to their 2-0 first-leg win.
Any hopes the home side had of securing a big victory suffered a set-back just four minutes into the game as Sibiry Keita opened the scoring for the visitors. It then took the home side until the 72nd minute to get on the scoresheet as substitute Fasil Abebayehu found the back of the net.
As Ethiopia went forward looking for a second goal, they were caught on the break as Mali substitute Mahamane Toure put matters beyond doubt with a late goal for his side.
After the match Mali coach Jonas Komla praised his opponents. “Ethiopia were good and they gave us some problems but my boys got the much needed experience. The most important thing is that we won and qualified. We were on point in attack and defence today”.
The biggest victory of the weekend belonged to Cameroon, who secured a convincing 5-1 win against Sudan, having drawn the first leg 2-2. Moise Sakava and Stephane Zobo found the net in both halves, with Christian Bella scoring the fifth.
Shihabeldeen Alzobair managed to score a consolation goal for the visitors, who finished the match with ten men following a second booking for Mazin Mohamed in injury time.
Angola secured the biggest aggregate victory as they followed up a 5-0 first-win at home up with a 2-0 win in Moroni against Comoros, to advance 7-0 on aggregate. Melono Dala and Abilio Contreiras scored the goals for the southern Africans.
There was plenty of drama in the return legs of the third round of qualifying as late goals changed outcomes in the dying moments of the matches, as seven teams joined hosts Madagascar.
Tanzania, who had stunned South Africa in the second round, were one of the teams that were knocked out by a late goal. Having beaten Congo 3-2 in the first leg, the Serengeti Boys managed to hold their opponents to a goalless draw in Brazzaville deep into injury time and would have qualified had the results stayed that way. But Edouard Mountou's late goal for a 1-0 win for Congo, saw Tanzania knocked out and the home side through.
Another team that benefited from their never-give-up attitude was Guinea. Their game against Senegal had to be postponed after the designated referees experienced transport problems and as a result could only be played on Monday. Guinea won the first match 1-0 in Senegal and went into the return leg confident that they would be one of the eight teams to play in Madagascar, but a first-half goal from Cheick Ahmadou Dieng for Senegal levelled matters.
Despite pushing forward in search of an equaliser, Guinea struggled to find a way through a strong Senegalese back-line until the last minute of the match when Sekou Camara found the goal that broke Senegalese hearts, but gave Guinea a 1-1 draw, which was good enough for them to advance.
In Libreville, fans were treated to two goals in the last two minutes, but unfortunately for the home side, one of them was for the visitors Niger, who had sensationally knocked out Nigeria in the first round and travelled to Gabon defending a 1-0 first-leg lead.
Fahd Richard Moubeti gave the home crowd something to cheer about as he scored a hat-trick – including two penalties, but Ibrahim Marou found the net twice for the 2015 hosts, who even managed a third for a 3-3 draw through Hamid Ajina. The result saw the Young Menas advance 4-3 on aggregate.
Two-time world champions Ghana, made it through to the finals 3-1 on aggregate after playing to a goalless draw against Côte d'Ivoire in Abidjan, with the Black Starlets' coach Paa Kwesi Fabin saying that his team had stuck to their game plan. “We saw that the Ivorians are good passers of the ball, they play the academy type of football, and we tried to contain and prevent them from scoring. Now I am just happy that we qualified,” he said.
Trio win big
The defending champions Mali had few troubles in overcoming Ethiopia 4-1 on aggregate to stay on course to retain their title. Les Aiglonnets secured a 2-1 win in Addis Ababa to add to their 2-0 first-leg win.
Any hopes the home side had of securing a big victory suffered a set-back just four minutes into the game as Sibiry Keita opened the scoring for the visitors. It then took the home side until the 72nd minute to get on the scoresheet as substitute Fasil Abebayehu found the back of the net.
As Ethiopia went forward looking for a second goal, they were caught on the break as Mali substitute Mahamane Toure put matters beyond doubt with a late goal for his side.
After the match Mali coach Jonas Komla praised his opponents. “Ethiopia were good and they gave us some problems but my boys got the much needed experience. The most important thing is that we won and qualified. We were on point in attack and defence today”.
The biggest victory of the weekend belonged to Cameroon, who secured a convincing 5-1 win against Sudan, having drawn the first leg 2-2. Moise Sakava and Stephane Zobo found the net in both halves, with Christian Bella scoring the fifth.
Shihabeldeen Alzobair managed to score a consolation goal for the visitors, who finished the match with ten men following a second booking for Mazin Mohamed in injury time.
Angola secured the biggest aggregate victory as they followed up a 5-0 first-win at home up with a 2-0 win in Moroni against Comoros, to advance 7-0 on aggregate. Melono Dala and Abilio Contreiras scored the goals for the southern Africans.
Milutinovic analiza a los 10 técnicos candidatos
Milutinovic analiza a los 10 técnicos candidatos
© Getty Images
se habla de directores técnicos legendarios, que aún se mantengan
activos, el nombre de Bora Milutinovic no puede faltar en la
conversación. A final de cuentas, nadie más en entre sus colegas puede
presumir el haber dirigido cinco selecciones nacionales en cinco Copas
Mundiales de la FIFA diferentes, ¡y haber avanzado a la segunda ronda
con cuatro de ellas!
Así, pocas voces tan autorizadas para analizar al gremio de seleccionadores como la de Bora, quine a los 72 años atento a todo lo sucede en los banquillos. Desde su casa en Doha, Qatar, donde trabaja como asesor de una academia de fútbol, el técnico serbio analizó en exclusiva para a los 10 aspirantes al Premio The Best.
Bora, ¿cuál es su opinión de Luis Enrique, el exitoso técnico del Barcelona?
Empecemos diciendo que, normalmente, se juzga un entrenador por sus éxitos, y Luis Enrique ganó la Liga y la Copa, además la Champions del año pasado. Pero a veces los logros van más allá de los títulos y, en su caso, consiguió que su equipo mantuviera y refinara un estilo de juego que había heredado en crisis de resultados. Eso también entraña una cierta dificultad y tiene mucho mérito.
Pasemos ahora a Didier Deschamps, subcampeón de la Eurocopa 2016 con Francia. ¿Qué piensa de él?
Ya había demostrado su gran calidad en la Juventus y ahora quedó segundo en la Euro, lo que es un gran resultado. Lo que hay que preguntarse es si los franceses lo consideran un éxito. Si es el caso, entonces, hay que juzgarlo como tal.
Manteniéndonos en Europa, ¿qué opina del técnico de Gales, Chris Coleman?
El resultado final siempre debe ser evaluado con respecto al equipo que lo consigue y a las expectativas que se tenían. En este caso, lo que hizo Coleman fue espectacular. Consiguió una participación histórica para la selección de Gales, con jugadores que, salvo Gareth Bale, no están entre los mejores del mundo.
Lo mismo puede decirse de Lars Lagerbäck el entrenador de Islandia . Aunque no está nominado, hizo un trabajo increíble. Cuando tu logras un resultado siempre hay que considerar las condiciones. Ambos lograron cosas excepcionales. Aunque lamentablemente muchas veces se ve sólo si se ganaron títulos o no, dichas actuaciones no se pueden subestimar.
Pasemos ahora a un clásico, Pep Guardiola, que obtuvo la Bundesliga con el Bayern de Múnich antes de pasar al Manchester City…
Es un entrenador con un enorme prestigio, y un gran currículum. En este caso, consiguió un gran resultado aunque hay que tomar en cuenta que tenía una excelente plantilla, con grandísimos jugadores. Eso es algo que se debe también tomar en consideración.
¿Cuál es su análisis de dos técnicos que están dejando su huella en la Premier, Jürgen Klopp y Mauricio Pochettino?
Klopp es un enorme entrenador, lo hizo realmente bien con Borussia Dortmund, y ahora también supo enderezar el camino del Liverpool, que necesitaba aire fresco después de momentos muy complicados. El análisis es similar con Pochettino en el Tottenham, son entrenadores talentosos, inteligentes, que han regresado la confianza a sus equipos.
¿Se puede decir lo mismo de Claudio Ranieri?
¡Claro, fue increíble! Lo que hizo el año pasado resultó francamente extraordinario. ¿Quién esperaba algo así? Nadie, ni en sus más remotos sueños, pensaba que el Leicester se coronaría campeón de la Premier. Es un poco lo que menciono, cuando se consiguen estos grandes éxitos con equipos que en principio no son considerados favoritos, se deben apreciar en su justa medida.
Hablando de sorpresas, ¿transita ese camino cuando mira a Fernando Santos, quien contra todo pronóstico ganó la Eurocopa con Portugal?
No me queda duda de que tuvo gran influencia en el título de Portugal, un país que nunca había conseguido un trofeo realmente importante. Cuando se consigue un título como la Euro, hay poco más que agregar.
Vayamos ahora de Portugal a España, ¿qué opina de Diego Simeone?
Es excelente con los jugadores, y consigue sacarles hasta la última gota de su fútbol. Es un gran conocedor y un fantástico motivador, en mi opinión es un entrenador completísimo y ha encabezado un enorme proyecto en el Atlético de Madrid.
Y para terminar, el campeón de Europa con el Real Madrid, Zinedine Zidane…
Cuando ganas la Champions League, no se puede decir nada. Es un entrenador con personalidad e inteligente. Espero que siga en ese plan y consiga muchos más éxitos.
¿Le parece que haya faltado alguien por mencionar?
Bueno, hablé de Lägerback, pero falta el más importante… ¡Bora, por supuesto! (risas).
Así, pocas voces tan autorizadas para analizar al gremio de seleccionadores como la de Bora, quine a los 72 años atento a todo lo sucede en los banquillos. Desde su casa en Doha, Qatar, donde trabaja como asesor de una academia de fútbol, el técnico serbio analizó en exclusiva para a los 10 aspirantes al Premio The Best.
Bora, ¿cuál es su opinión de Luis Enrique, el exitoso técnico del Barcelona?
Empecemos diciendo que, normalmente, se juzga un entrenador por sus éxitos, y Luis Enrique ganó la Liga y la Copa, además la Champions del año pasado. Pero a veces los logros van más allá de los títulos y, en su caso, consiguió que su equipo mantuviera y refinara un estilo de juego que había heredado en crisis de resultados. Eso también entraña una cierta dificultad y tiene mucho mérito.
Pasemos ahora a Didier Deschamps, subcampeón de la Eurocopa 2016 con Francia. ¿Qué piensa de él?
Ya había demostrado su gran calidad en la Juventus y ahora quedó segundo en la Euro, lo que es un gran resultado. Lo que hay que preguntarse es si los franceses lo consideran un éxito. Si es el caso, entonces, hay que juzgarlo como tal.
Manteniéndonos en Europa, ¿qué opina del técnico de Gales, Chris Coleman?
El resultado final siempre debe ser evaluado con respecto al equipo que lo consigue y a las expectativas que se tenían. En este caso, lo que hizo Coleman fue espectacular. Consiguió una participación histórica para la selección de Gales, con jugadores que, salvo Gareth Bale, no están entre los mejores del mundo.
Lo mismo puede decirse de Lars Lagerbäck el entrenador de Islandia . Aunque no está nominado, hizo un trabajo increíble. Cuando tu logras un resultado siempre hay que considerar las condiciones. Ambos lograron cosas excepcionales. Aunque lamentablemente muchas veces se ve sólo si se ganaron títulos o no, dichas actuaciones no se pueden subestimar.
Pasemos ahora a un clásico, Pep Guardiola, que obtuvo la Bundesliga con el Bayern de Múnich antes de pasar al Manchester City…
Es un entrenador con un enorme prestigio, y un gran currículum. En este caso, consiguió un gran resultado aunque hay que tomar en cuenta que tenía una excelente plantilla, con grandísimos jugadores. Eso es algo que se debe también tomar en consideración.
¿Cuál es su análisis de dos técnicos que están dejando su huella en la Premier, Jürgen Klopp y Mauricio Pochettino?
Klopp es un enorme entrenador, lo hizo realmente bien con Borussia Dortmund, y ahora también supo enderezar el camino del Liverpool, que necesitaba aire fresco después de momentos muy complicados. El análisis es similar con Pochettino en el Tottenham, son entrenadores talentosos, inteligentes, que han regresado la confianza a sus equipos.
¿Se puede decir lo mismo de Claudio Ranieri?
¡Claro, fue increíble! Lo que hizo el año pasado resultó francamente extraordinario. ¿Quién esperaba algo así? Nadie, ni en sus más remotos sueños, pensaba que el Leicester se coronaría campeón de la Premier. Es un poco lo que menciono, cuando se consiguen estos grandes éxitos con equipos que en principio no son considerados favoritos, se deben apreciar en su justa medida.
Hablando de sorpresas, ¿transita ese camino cuando mira a Fernando Santos, quien contra todo pronóstico ganó la Eurocopa con Portugal?
No me queda duda de que tuvo gran influencia en el título de Portugal, un país que nunca había conseguido un trofeo realmente importante. Cuando se consigue un título como la Euro, hay poco más que agregar.
Vayamos ahora de Portugal a España, ¿qué opina de Diego Simeone?
Es excelente con los jugadores, y consigue sacarles hasta la última gota de su fútbol. Es un gran conocedor y un fantástico motivador, en mi opinión es un entrenador completísimo y ha encabezado un enorme proyecto en el Atlético de Madrid.
Y para terminar, el campeón de Europa con el Real Madrid, Zinedine Zidane…
Cuando ganas la Champions League, no se puede decir nada. Es un entrenador con personalidad e inteligente. Espero que siga en ese plan y consiga muchos más éxitos.
¿Le parece que haya faltado alguien por mencionar?
Bueno, hablé de Lägerback, pero falta el más importante… ¡Bora, por supuesto! (risas).
“I didn’t think I’d have
to vote this season, but it looks like I’m going to have to start giving
it some thought,” said Vicente del Bosque with a wry smile, reflecting
on a task he is more than familiar with. During his time as Spain coach,
in which he steered La Roja to glory at the 2010 FIFA World
Cup South Africa™ and UEFA EURO 2012, Del Bosque cast his vote for the
FIFA Awards on many occasions and was even named FIFA World Coach of the
Year for Men’s Football in 2012.
Having this year passed on the Roja baton to Julen Lopetegui and announced his retirement from coaching, Del Bosque had not been planning to offer his views for The Best FIFA Football Awards™. Even so, he did not hesitate to answer’s call to speak about his favourites for the awards, his relationship with some of the nominees and the growth in popularity of the women’s game, which is very much to the fore in this year’s awards. What things have you looked at when voting over these last few years? What criteria have you followed in making your choices?
Vicente del Bosque: Usually, irrespective of the form and quality of the various players, and what they’ve achieved, the one you’ve liked most is obvious and so it’s easy for you to say ‘he’s the best’.
Was there a year when you found it especially hard to make up your mind?
I’ve never fretted too much about it. I just did what I felt was right. When it was tight, I always picked whoever I thought was the best and that was that. It was maybe a bit tougher in those years when Spain triumphed in the EURO and the World Cup, when they won three tournaments back-to-back. We did feel then that a Spanish player might be named the best.
They were all unlucky, or lucky depending on how you see it, to be around at the same time as the players who have deservedly scooped all the best player awards. That said, it is true that they [the Spaniards] would have been fitting winners, not least as standard-bearers for a [golden] generation and, above all, because of the collective success they embodied, since football is a collective sport.
There are two Spanish players among this year’s 23 nominees for The Best FIFA Men’s Player: Andres Iniesta and Sergio Ramos. Do you think there should have been more?
Perhaps. I think a couple more could have made the list. Sergio Busquets, for example, or Gerard Pique… They are players who have also left their mark on a great period for Spanish football.
Who do you think is the favourite to win the award this year?
Messi and Ronaldo have dominated it in recent times and I imagine that people will decide between the two based on allegiances to the shirts they wear. In my book, they’ve been the best.
And who’s your favourite for the Best FIFA Men’s Coach award?
I’d love for one of the Spanish nominees to win it, truly, but I’d lean towards [Diego] Simeone. I think that, beyond just this year, his track record over the last few years has been really impressive. He’s given the team an identity, making it his team, and they’ve competed really well. I don’t think I’d look further than him, though that’s no slight on the rest of the nominees – I’d like to place on record that I hold them all in high regard.
Luis Enrique and Zinedine Zidane are up for this year’s Men’s Coach award. You were in charge of both of them at Real Madrid. Did they strike you at the time as the type of players who would end up in coaching?
It’s not what I envisaged happening, but it turns out that they’re both proving to be great coaches. One thing that sticks out when I think about Luis Enrique is one of the times when I took charge [of Real Madrid] as a caretaker and I played him at left-back. This is something that he really wasn’t fond of and we all agreed that it wasn’t his ideal position, but he put in a really good shift and helped us out in a game in Bilbao; we won 5-0 there and he was one of the top performers – at left-back!
But he was so strong and talented, and so eager to be involved, particularly in attack, that he found the full-back role unfulfilling. Still, I’m sure that it was a good experience for him – he must have seen what it’s like when the shoe is on the other foot now when he’s fielded midfielders at right-back, for example, when they’d prefer to play somewhere else. As for Zidane, it’s true that he didn’t seem to me to be overly keen on becoming a coach, but his results demonstrate that he’s an excellent one.
What were their virtues as players and what do you think they have to offer as coaches now?
They were both extremely good players. They were fantastic in every respect, from their physical attributes to their ability and enthusiasm for the game. They had a strong competitive streak, as well as boasting vast natural talent.
I can’t judge them as coaches because I don’t know what they’re like. You’ve got to experience it for yourself, be face-to-face with them and see how they operate in the dressing room. Until you’ve seen that, you can’t venture an opinion, I’d be seriously mistaken if I did so. What I can say is that they have different demeanours when you see them on TV, but they’re both doing a great job.
One of the features of these awards is that they give equal recognition to men’s and women’s football. What’s your take on the development of the women’s game in the last few years?
I think there have been big strides made everywhere. Where development and training are concerned, the coaches who work in women’s football are just as qualified as their counterparts in men’s football. I think some fantastic progress has been made and we should all be thrilled with that. And it hasn’t happened overnight: a great deal of work has gone into it from a lot of people who have been driving forces.
To find out what else Del Bosque had to say about his favourites for The Best Awards, watch the video above.
Having this year passed on the Roja baton to Julen Lopetegui and announced his retirement from coaching, Del Bosque had not been planning to offer his views for The Best FIFA Football Awards™. Even so, he did not hesitate to answer’s call to speak about his favourites for the awards, his relationship with some of the nominees and the growth in popularity of the women’s game, which is very much to the fore in this year’s awards. What things have you looked at when voting over these last few years? What criteria have you followed in making your choices?
Vicente del Bosque: Usually, irrespective of the form and quality of the various players, and what they’ve achieved, the one you’ve liked most is obvious and so it’s easy for you to say ‘he’s the best’.
Was there a year when you found it especially hard to make up your mind?
I’ve never fretted too much about it. I just did what I felt was right. When it was tight, I always picked whoever I thought was the best and that was that. It was maybe a bit tougher in those years when Spain triumphed in the EURO and the World Cup, when they won three tournaments back-to-back. We did feel then that a Spanish player might be named the best.
They were all unlucky, or lucky depending on how you see it, to be around at the same time as the players who have deservedly scooped all the best player awards. That said, it is true that they [the Spaniards] would have been fitting winners, not least as standard-bearers for a [golden] generation and, above all, because of the collective success they embodied, since football is a collective sport.
There are two Spanish players among this year’s 23 nominees for The Best FIFA Men’s Player: Andres Iniesta and Sergio Ramos. Do you think there should have been more?
Perhaps. I think a couple more could have made the list. Sergio Busquets, for example, or Gerard Pique… They are players who have also left their mark on a great period for Spanish football.
Who do you think is the favourite to win the award this year?
Messi and Ronaldo have dominated it in recent times and I imagine that people will decide between the two based on allegiances to the shirts they wear. In my book, they’ve been the best.
And who’s your favourite for the Best FIFA Men’s Coach award?
I’d love for one of the Spanish nominees to win it, truly, but I’d lean towards [Diego] Simeone. I think that, beyond just this year, his track record over the last few years has been really impressive. He’s given the team an identity, making it his team, and they’ve competed really well. I don’t think I’d look further than him, though that’s no slight on the rest of the nominees – I’d like to place on record that I hold them all in high regard.
Luis Enrique and Zinedine Zidane are up for this year’s Men’s Coach award. You were in charge of both of them at Real Madrid. Did they strike you at the time as the type of players who would end up in coaching?
It’s not what I envisaged happening, but it turns out that they’re both proving to be great coaches. One thing that sticks out when I think about Luis Enrique is one of the times when I took charge [of Real Madrid] as a caretaker and I played him at left-back. This is something that he really wasn’t fond of and we all agreed that it wasn’t his ideal position, but he put in a really good shift and helped us out in a game in Bilbao; we won 5-0 there and he was one of the top performers – at left-back!
But he was so strong and talented, and so eager to be involved, particularly in attack, that he found the full-back role unfulfilling. Still, I’m sure that it was a good experience for him – he must have seen what it’s like when the shoe is on the other foot now when he’s fielded midfielders at right-back, for example, when they’d prefer to play somewhere else. As for Zidane, it’s true that he didn’t seem to me to be overly keen on becoming a coach, but his results demonstrate that he’s an excellent one.
What were their virtues as players and what do you think they have to offer as coaches now?
They were both extremely good players. They were fantastic in every respect, from their physical attributes to their ability and enthusiasm for the game. They had a strong competitive streak, as well as boasting vast natural talent.
I can’t judge them as coaches because I don’t know what they’re like. You’ve got to experience it for yourself, be face-to-face with them and see how they operate in the dressing room. Until you’ve seen that, you can’t venture an opinion, I’d be seriously mistaken if I did so. What I can say is that they have different demeanours when you see them on TV, but they’re both doing a great job.
One of the features of these awards is that they give equal recognition to men’s and women’s football. What’s your take on the development of the women’s game in the last few years?
I think there have been big strides made everywhere. Where development and training are concerned, the coaches who work in women’s football are just as qualified as their counterparts in men’s football. I think some fantastic progress has been made and we should all be thrilled with that. And it hasn’t happened overnight: a great deal of work has gone into it from a lot of people who have been driving forces.
To find out what else Del Bosque had to say about his favourites for The Best Awards, watch the video above.
Del Bosque: Simeone is The Best
Del Bosque: Simeone is The Best
didn’t think I’d have to vote this season, but it looks like I’m going
to have to start giving it some thought,” said Vicente del Bosque with a
wry smile, reflecting on a task he is more than familiar with. During
his time as Spain coach, in which he steered La Roja to glory
at the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™ and UEFA EURO 2012, Del Bosque
cast his vote for the FIFA Awards on many occasions and was even named
FIFA World Coach of the Year for Men’s Football in 2012.
Having this year passed on the Roja baton to Julen Lopetegui and announced his retirement from coaching, Del Bosque had not been planning to offer his views for The Best FIFA Football Awards™. Even so, he did not hesitate to answer’s call to speak about his favourites for the awards, his relationship with some of the nominees and the growth in popularity of the women’s game, which is very much to the fore in this year’s awards. What things have you looked at when voting over these last few years? What criteria have you followed in making your choices?
Vicente del Bosque: Usually, irrespective of the form and quality of the various players, and what they’ve achieved, the one you’ve liked most is obvious and so it’s easy for you to say ‘he’s the best’.
Was there a year when you found it especially hard to make up your mind?
I’ve never fretted too much about it. I just did what I felt was right. When it was tight, I always picked whoever I thought was the best and that was that. It was maybe a bit tougher in those years when Spain triumphed in the EURO and the World Cup, when they won three tournaments back-to-back. We did feel then that a Spanish player might be named the best.
They were all unlucky, or lucky depending on how you see it, to be around at the same time as the players who have deservedly scooped all the best player awards. That said, it is true that they [the Spaniards] would have been fitting winners, not least as standard-bearers for a [golden] generation and, above all, because of the collective success they embodied, since football is a collective sport.
There are two Spanish players among this year’s 23 nominees for The Best FIFA Men’s Player: Andres Iniesta and Sergio Ramos. Do you think there should have been more?
Perhaps. I think a couple more could have made the list. Sergio Busquets, for example, or Gerard Pique… They are players who have also left their mark on a great period for Spanish football.
Who do you think is the favourite to win the award this year?
Messi and Ronaldo have dominated it in recent times and I imagine that people will decide between the two based on allegiances to the shirts they wear. In my book, they’ve been the best.
And who’s your favourite for the Best FIFA Men’s Coach award?
I’d love for one of the Spanish nominees to win it, truly, but I’d lean towards [Diego] Simeone. I think that, beyond just this year, his track record over the last few years has been really impressive. He’s given the team an identity, making it his team, and they’ve competed really well. I don’t think I’d look further than him, though that’s no slight on the rest of the nominees – I’d like to place on record that I hold them all in high regard.
Luis Enrique and Zinedine Zidane are up for this year’s Men’s Coach award. You were in charge of both of them at Real Madrid. Did they strike you at the time as the type of players who would end up in coaching?
It’s not what I envisaged happening, but it turns out that they’re both proving to be great coaches. One thing that sticks out when I think about Luis Enrique is one of the times when I took charge [of Real Madrid] as a caretaker and I played him at left-back. This is something that he really wasn’t fond of and we all agreed that it wasn’t his ideal position, but he put in a really good shift and helped us out in a game in Bilbao; we won 5-0 there and he was one of the top performers – at left-back!
But he was so strong and talented, and so eager to be involved, particularly in attack, that he found the full-back role unfulfilling. Still, I’m sure that it was a good experience for him – he must have seen what it’s like when the shoe is on the other foot now when he’s fielded midfielders at right-back, for example, when they’d prefer to play somewhere else. As for Zidane, it’s true that he didn’t seem to me to be overly keen on becoming a coach, but his results demonstrate that he’s an excellent one.
What were their virtues as players and what do you think they have to offer as coaches now?
They were both extremely good players. They were fantastic in every respect, from their physical attributes to their ability and enthusiasm for the game. They had a strong competitive streak, as well as boasting vast natural talent.
I can’t judge them as coaches because I don’t know what they’re like. You’ve got to experience it for yourself, be face-to-face with them and see how they operate in the dressing room. Until you’ve seen that, you can’t venture an opinion, I’d be seriously mistaken if I did so. What I can say is that they have different demeanours when you see them on TV, but they’re both doing a great job.
One of the features of these awards is that they give equal recognition to men’s and women’s football. What’s your take on the development of the women’s game in the last few years?
I think there have been big strides made everywhere. Where development and training are concerned, the coaches who work in women’s football are just as qualified as their counterparts in men’s football. I think some fantastic progress has been made and we should all be thrilled with that. And it hasn’t happened overnight: a great deal of work has gone into it from a lot of people who have been driving forces.
To find out what else Del Bosque had to say about his favourites for The Best Awards, watch the video above.
Having this year passed on the Roja baton to Julen Lopetegui and announced his retirement from coaching, Del Bosque had not been planning to offer his views for The Best FIFA Football Awards™. Even so, he did not hesitate to answer’s call to speak about his favourites for the awards, his relationship with some of the nominees and the growth in popularity of the women’s game, which is very much to the fore in this year’s awards. What things have you looked at when voting over these last few years? What criteria have you followed in making your choices?
Vicente del Bosque: Usually, irrespective of the form and quality of the various players, and what they’ve achieved, the one you’ve liked most is obvious and so it’s easy for you to say ‘he’s the best’.
Was there a year when you found it especially hard to make up your mind?
I’ve never fretted too much about it. I just did what I felt was right. When it was tight, I always picked whoever I thought was the best and that was that. It was maybe a bit tougher in those years when Spain triumphed in the EURO and the World Cup, when they won three tournaments back-to-back. We did feel then that a Spanish player might be named the best.
They were all unlucky, or lucky depending on how you see it, to be around at the same time as the players who have deservedly scooped all the best player awards. That said, it is true that they [the Spaniards] would have been fitting winners, not least as standard-bearers for a [golden] generation and, above all, because of the collective success they embodied, since football is a collective sport.
There are two Spanish players among this year’s 23 nominees for The Best FIFA Men’s Player: Andres Iniesta and Sergio Ramos. Do you think there should have been more?
Perhaps. I think a couple more could have made the list. Sergio Busquets, for example, or Gerard Pique… They are players who have also left their mark on a great period for Spanish football.
Who do you think is the favourite to win the award this year?
Messi and Ronaldo have dominated it in recent times and I imagine that people will decide between the two based on allegiances to the shirts they wear. In my book, they’ve been the best.
And who’s your favourite for the Best FIFA Men’s Coach award?
I’d love for one of the Spanish nominees to win it, truly, but I’d lean towards [Diego] Simeone. I think that, beyond just this year, his track record over the last few years has been really impressive. He’s given the team an identity, making it his team, and they’ve competed really well. I don’t think I’d look further than him, though that’s no slight on the rest of the nominees – I’d like to place on record that I hold them all in high regard.
Luis Enrique and Zinedine Zidane are up for this year’s Men’s Coach award. You were in charge of both of them at Real Madrid. Did they strike you at the time as the type of players who would end up in coaching?
It’s not what I envisaged happening, but it turns out that they’re both proving to be great coaches. One thing that sticks out when I think about Luis Enrique is one of the times when I took charge [of Real Madrid] as a caretaker and I played him at left-back. This is something that he really wasn’t fond of and we all agreed that it wasn’t his ideal position, but he put in a really good shift and helped us out in a game in Bilbao; we won 5-0 there and he was one of the top performers – at left-back!
But he was so strong and talented, and so eager to be involved, particularly in attack, that he found the full-back role unfulfilling. Still, I’m sure that it was a good experience for him – he must have seen what it’s like when the shoe is on the other foot now when he’s fielded midfielders at right-back, for example, when they’d prefer to play somewhere else. As for Zidane, it’s true that he didn’t seem to me to be overly keen on becoming a coach, but his results demonstrate that he’s an excellent one.
What were their virtues as players and what do you think they have to offer as coaches now?
They were both extremely good players. They were fantastic in every respect, from their physical attributes to their ability and enthusiasm for the game. They had a strong competitive streak, as well as boasting vast natural talent.
I can’t judge them as coaches because I don’t know what they’re like. You’ve got to experience it for yourself, be face-to-face with them and see how they operate in the dressing room. Until you’ve seen that, you can’t venture an opinion, I’d be seriously mistaken if I did so. What I can say is that they have different demeanours when you see them on TV, but they’re both doing a great job.
One of the features of these awards is that they give equal recognition to men’s and women’s football. What’s your take on the development of the women’s game in the last few years?
I think there have been big strides made everywhere. Where development and training are concerned, the coaches who work in women’s football are just as qualified as their counterparts in men’s football. I think some fantastic progress has been made and we should all be thrilled with that. And it hasn’t happened overnight: a great deal of work has gone into it from a lot of people who have been driving forces.
To find out what else Del Bosque had to say about his favourites for The Best Awards, watch the video above.
Gemeinde in Amazonas
Manaus ist eine brasilianische Stadt, der Hauptstadt des Bundesstaates Amazonas und das wichtigste Finanzzentrum, Unternehmen und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung im Norden Brasiliens. Es ist eine historische und Hafenstadt, die sich im Zentrum des größten Regenwald der Welt. Wikipedia
Höhe: 92 m
Fläche: 11.401 km²
Lokale Zeit: Freitag, 17.45 Uhr
Zeit: 30 ° C, Wind L 8 km / h, Luftfeuchtigkeit 70%
Hotels: 3 Sterne um durchschnittlich R $ 127, 5 Sterne von durchschnittlich R 208 $. Alle Hotels
Bevölkerung: 1.793.000 (2010) der Vereinten Nationen
Aerportos In Nummer: 2
Telefono : 0055-92-98276-7084
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