sábado, 30 de julho de 2016


O responsável pelo amistoso foi o empresário e torcedor do Fast Joaquim Alencar. Amigo do treinador Júlio Mazzei e de Pelé, ele virou representante do Cosmos no Brasil quando a dupla deixou o Santos. Alencar convenceu os promotores a prestigiarem o Fast em detrimento das potências Flamengo e Corinthians. O governo amazonense patrocinou o evento e atrelou a imagem dos craques a ícones como o Teatro Amazonas.
Desde às primeiras horas da tarde de 9 de março de 1980 o movimento era grande nas imediações do Vivado Lima. Uma enorme fila de ônibus despejando torcedores que na correria procuravam as melhores acomodações. Tarde de muito calor e praticamente ninguém conseguiu ver o espetáculo sentado. Cada espaço era disputado com certo sacrifício. As notícias é que o Cosmos jogaria desfalcado do holandês Neeskens.

O Cosmos enfrentando o Fast em Manaus

O Cosmos enfrentando o Fast em Manaus

Oscar, do Cosmos, e Clodoaldo, que reforçou o Fast
O New York Cosmos, sem dúvida, foi uma sensação do futebol mundial entre a segunda metade da década de 70 e o início dos anos 80. Foi uma equipe que contou com diversas estrelas do esporte bretão, inclusive a maior delas: Pelé. Alguns, como o zagueiro Oscar e o meia Romerito, foram jogar no time da camisa verde no auge da carreira
Apesar de jogar em uma liga não tão forte quanto os campeonatos sul-americanos e europeus, o Cosmos chamava a atenção por onde jogava por causa da constelação de atletas que tinha em seu elenco. E isso não foi diferente em 1980, quando a equipe norte-americana veio para o Brasil.
Manaus foi uma das escalas do Cosmos no Brasil. Já sem Pelé, a equipe contava na época com Beckenbauer, Neeskens, Carlos Alberto Torres, Oscar, Romerito e Chinaglia enfrentaria o Fast Clube, uma das melhores do futebol amazônico e que teria o reforço do craque Clodoaldo.
Chinaglia sendo entrevistado
O responsável pelo amistoso foi o empresário e torcedor do Fast Joaquim Alencar. Amigo do treinador Júlio Mazzei e de Pelé, ele virou representante do Cosmos no Brasil quando a dupla deixou o Santos. Alencar convenceu os promotores a prestigiarem o Fast em detrimento das potências Flamengo e Corinthians. O governo amazonense patrocinou o evento e atrelou a imagem dos craques a ícones como o Teatro Amazonas.

O responsável pelo amistoso foi o empresário e torcedor do Fast Joaquim Alencar. Amigo do treinador Júlio Mazzei e de Pelé,

O Cosmos enfrentando o Fast em Manaus

Oscar, do Cosmos, e Clodoaldo, que reforçou o Fast
O New York Cosmos, sem dúvida, foi uma sensação do futebol mundial entre a segunda metade da década de 70 e o início dos anos 80. Foi uma equipe que contou com diversas estrelas do esporte bretão, inclusive a maior delas: Pelé. Alguns, como o zagueiro Oscar e o meia Romerito, foram jogar no time da camisa verde no auge da carreira
Apesar de jogar em uma liga não tão forte quanto os campeonatos sul-americanos e europeus, o Cosmos chamava a atenção por onde jogava por causa da constelação de atletas que tinha em seu elenco. E isso não foi diferente em 1980, quando a equipe norte-americana veio para o Brasil.
Manaus foi uma das escalas do Cosmos no Brasil. Já sem Pelé, a equipe contava na época com Beckenbauer, Neeskens, Carlos Alberto Torres, Oscar, Romerito e Chinaglia enfrentaria o Fast Clube, uma das melhores do futebol amazônico e que teria o reforço do craque Clodoaldo.
Chinaglia sendo entrevistado
O responsável pelo amistoso foi o empresário e torcedor do Fast Joaquim Alencar. Amigo do treinador Júlio Mazzei e de Pelé, ele virou representante do Cosmos no Brasil quando a dupla deixou o Santos. Alencar convenceu os promotores a prestigiarem o Fast em detrimento das potências Flamengo e Corinthians. O governo amazonense patrocinou o evento e atrelou a imagem dos craques a ícones como o Teatro Amazonas.
Desde às primeiras horas da tarde de 9 de março de 1980 o movimento era grande nas imediações do Vivado Lima. Uma enorme fila de ônibus despejando torcedores que na correria procuravam as melhores acomodações. Tarde de muito calor e praticamente ninguém conseguiu ver o espetáculo sentado. Cada espaço era disputado com certo sacrifício. As notícias é que o Cosmos jogaria desfalcado do holandês Neeskens.

Cineasta amazonense fará documentário sobre amistoso internacional entre Fast e Cosmos

Cineasta amazonense fará documentário sobre amistoso internacional entre Fast e Cosmos

A partida que aconteceu no dia 9 de março de 1980 reuniu mais de 50 mil pessoas no Vivaldão, onde agora temos a Arena da Amazônia. O recorde de público nunca foi batido no Amazonas

Cineasta Moacyr Massulo pretende lançar o documentário em dezembro
Cineasta Moacyr Massulo pretende lançar o documentário em dezembro (Lucas Amorelli)
Há 35 anos o futebol amazonense viveu um momento incrível, algo que até hoje é lembrado por muitos torcedores – pelos que testemunharam o acontecimento dentro do Vivaldão e até por aqueles que não conseguiram entrar no estádio. No dia 9 de março de 1980, Manaus recebeu um amistoso que colocou a cidade no mapa internacional do futebol e marcou a história do esporte “baré”.
O amistoso entre Fast Clube e New York Cosmos – um dos times mais populares das décadas de 70 e 80, que mesmo sem Pelé (que jogou no clube entre 1975 e 1977), possuía nomes como Beckenbauer e Carlos Alberto Torres (capitão do Tri da Seleção Brasileira, Copa do México de 1970). Pelo lado da equipe amazonense, a grande estrela era o ex-campeão mundial Clodoaldo – que depois chegou a fazer outros jogos pelo Tricolor de Aço.
O confronto fez o então Vivaldo Lima bater recorde de público - 56.950 pessoas assistiram à partida, que apesar de contar com vários astros em campo, ficou no 0 a 0. Até hoje, mesmo depois da Copa do Mundo, o número de torcedores do dia 9 de março de 1980 não foi superado no Amazonas.
Um fato inusitado, que chamou a atenção do cineasta amazonense, Moacyr Massulo, que aos 27 anos decidiu levar essa história para as telonas, para que aqueles, que por algum motivo, desconhecem esse fato tão importante e “tenso” do futebol “baré”, possam, assim como ele, descobrir que um dia houve tumulto em um estádio amazonense, não por conta da rivalidade entre torcidas, mas sim pela vontade de todos em assistir a um grande jogo de futebol, em casa.
A capacidade máxima do Vivaldo Lima era de 43.000 pessoas, mas ninguém queria ficar de fora daquele momento glorioso. Por isso, qualquer espaço dentro do estádio foi muito disputado. O público invadiu as marquises e até o túnel, e claro, que isso gerou um grande tumulto e alguns torcedores deixaram o local machucados.
Mas por que em mais de 30 anos o Amazonas não conseguiu bater recorde do público de 1980? O que falta para que as pessoas voltem a lotar um estádio local? O que exatamente aconteceu no dia 9 de março de 1980? Por que o time de maior sucesso dos anos 70 e 80 resolveu fazer um amistoso em Manaus? E justamente contra uma equipe sem grande expressão no cenário nacional do País do futebol? Qual era a real intenção com esse “evento apoteótico”?

Mais de 50 mil pessoas foram ao Vivaldão assistir ao amistoso entre Fast e Cosmos
O documentário
As respostas para esses questionamentos estarão no documentário “Cosmos”, que Moacyr Massulo pretende lançar ainda este ano, 35 anos após o inesquecível espetáculo futebolístico no Colosso do Norte, onde agora temos a Arena da Amazônia – estádio multiuso, palco de quatro grandes partidas da Copa do Mundo no Brasil e que ano que vem deve receber oito jogos do torneio de futebol das Olimpíadas do Rio 2016.A descobertaAssim como a maioria dos jovens, Moacyr Massulo gosta bastante de futebol. No Amazonas, ele acompanhou uma fase boa, no final dos anos 1990, quando o São Raimundo vivia um momento de ascensão. Nessa época, ele conta que ia ao Vivaldão assistir aos jogos, mas mesmo assim nunca tinha ouvido falar do tal amistoso entre Fast e Cosmos nos anos 1980.
“Um dia a minha mãe – depois de uma viagem de férias – voltou para casa com uma revista, dessas que a gente encontra em aviões, e que tinha uma reportagem sobre o amistoso entre Fast e Cosmos. Ela conseguiu ir ao estádio e começou a me contar como foi aquele dia 9 de março... Então, eu comecei a ler a reportagem sobre o jogo e não acreditei, era inusitado pra mim ter acontecido aquele jogo e poucas pessoas saberem disso. A partir desse momento, por trabalhar com audiovisual, eu já tive a ideia de contar essa história, fazer esse registro”, contou.
O cineasta resolveu então pesquisar a respeito, colher depoimentos de pessoas que estiveram no Vivaldão nesse dia memorável para o futebol local, para assim começar a produzir o documentário. “Conheci o empresário Joaquim Alencar, que foi quem negociou a vinda do Cosmos para Manaus. Ele me passou alguns dados e fotos do dia do jogo. E me apresentou algumas pessoas que estiveram no Vivaldão no dia do evento”, comentou Massulo.
Além de contar o que aconteceu no dia do amistoso, o cineasta revela que o documentário também vai traçar um diálogo sobre o futebol amazonense contemporâneo. Como por exemplo, tentar explicar a falta de público em jogos locais.
“O lado crítico é como eu pretendo encerrar o filme. Todos os convidados, entrevistados.. terão que responder: “O que Manaus precisa fazer para voltar a ter estádios cheios?”, esse é o primeiro ponto. E depois vem outros questionamentos, como os torcedores estarem presentes nos estádios, mas torcendo pelos seus próprios times e não irem aos estádios torcer por equipes de fora”, completou.
O cineasta tem a intenção também de fazer um curta sobre a Arena da Amazônia – “Paixão Nacional”, mas esse é um projeto que deve ficar para o próximo ano, já que a prioridade em 2015 deve ser mesmo o documentário “Cosmos”. “É engraçado, o Cosmos ainda nem foi produzido e já é o meu filme mais comentado. Por conta dessa proporção que ele ganhou, decidi que este ano ele será a minha prioridade”, afirmou o cineasta.
O documentário se chamará “Cosmos”. “É outra crítica, afinal é um documentário sobre o maior público do Vivaldão, que só aconteceu por conta de um time internacional”, comentou Moacyr Massulo – que já produziu 12 filmes. O Cosmos será o 13º. O cineasta faz parte do grupo “Planos em Sequência”, que conta com a participação de cinco realizadores audiovisuais.
Historiador Abrahim Baze (que fará a introdução do documentário e lembrará a inauguração do Vivaldão). Jornalistas esportivos:, Amarildo Silva, Eduardo Monteiro de Paula e Teófilo Mesquita. O empresário Joaquim Alencar, além dos médicos que socorreram as pessoas e Carlos Alberto Torres – capitão do Tri – e o ex-campeão mundial, Clodoaldo.
FAST Miguel Banana, Carlos Alberto, Joãozinho, Marcão e Juldecy; Clodoaldo, Zé Luís e Tauiris (Fabinho); Rogério, Bené e Orange (Pesado). Técnico: Juarez Bandeira.COSMOS Biekemeier, Eskandariam, Carlos Alberto Torres, Oscar e Bruce Nilson; Beckenbauer e Romerito; Seninho, Richi Davis, Chinaglia e Marck Liveric.

sexta-feira, 29 de julho de 2016

Free-kicks, free-scorers and megabucks buys

The Week in Numbers

Free-kicks, free-scorers and megabucks buys

Kim Bo Kyung of Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors celebrates the first goal
© Getty Images
An Italian dethroning an English knight, a German playmaker unseating a German playmaker, and an Argentinian outranking two fellow South Americans feature in FIFA.com’s latest stats review, along with records for some Green Warriors and Young Blues.
91 million euros is what makes Andre Schurrle cumulatively the costliest German footballer in history following his move to Borussia Dortmund. Mesut Ozil had been the most expensive, with his transfers to Werder Bremen, Real Madrid and Arsenal costing a combined €70m. Schurrle had previously moved to Bayer Leverkusen for €8m, Chelsea for €21m and Wolfsburg for €32m. Dortmund paid €30m for the 25-year-old who assisted the only goal in the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ Final, breaking the club-record €27.5m they spent on Henrikh Mkhitaryan in 2013. BVB have now splashed out around €115m this close-season on eight players also including Marc Bartra, Raphael Guerreiro, Sebastian Rode, Mario Gotze and Ousmane Dembele.
90 million euros is what Juventus paid Napoli to make Gonzalo Higuain the third-biggest signing of all time. But while the two players above him on the list, Gareth Bale and Cristiano Ronaldo, were 24 when they made their record-breaking moves to Real Madrid, Higuain will turn 29 this year. The France-born Argentina international also eclipsed Neymar to become the costliest South American in history, and Hernan Crespo, who joined Lazio from Parma for €56.5 in 2000, to become the most expensive signing by an Italian club.
22 matches unbeaten is what Jeonbuk Motors reached on Sunday to equal the K-League record they themselves set in April 2015. Since a 2-1 loss to Suwon Bluewings on the last day of the 2015 season, when the Green Warriors had already secured the league title, they have won 13 and drawn nine. Jeonbuk, who have 16 games remaining, are bidding to become the first team in history of the 1983-incepted championship to finish a season undefeated. Choi Kanghee’s men, who are 14 points clear of their nearest rivals, are also out to become the second club to win three consecutive K-League crowns – Seongnam did it twice between 1993 and ‘95 and 2001 and ’03.
4 goals without reply is what France scored against Italy to double the record winning margin in UEFA European U-19 Championship final history. The fixture had been won by a two-goal cushion five times. Jean-Kevin Augustin broke the deadlock for Les Bleuets with his sixth goal of the tournament, equalling the record held by Spain’s Alvaro Morata and Davie Selke of Germany. It helped France finish with 15 goals in five matches to replace their own class of 2010, which included Antoine Griezmann and Alexandre Lacazette, and Portugal of 2003 as the third-highest scorers in the tournament’s history. Spain occupy the top two positions on the list: Gerard Pique, Juan Mata and Co netted 17 goals in 2006, while a side spearheaded by Paco Alcacer and Morata registered 16 in 2011.
2 trademark curlers is what Sebastian Giovinco dispatched against D.C. United to surpass David Beckham and Javier Morales and become the MLS’s highest scorer of free-kicks this decade (7). The 29-year-old’s first-half brace helped him snap an eight-game scoring drought with a hat-trick in Toronto FC’s 4-1 victory, which left them undefeated in six successive home games for the first time in six years. Beckham (13 per cent) does possess a superior free-kick conversion rate than Giovinco (9.2 per cent), though the competition’s best since 2010 belongs to another player who bagged a treble on Sunday. Didier Drogba, whose first MLS goals since May inspired Montreal Impact to a 5-1 thumping of Philadelphia Union, has converted 22.7 per cent of his free-kicks.

Johnson: Jordan will be ready to compete

FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup

Johnson: Jordan will be ready to compete

As the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup Jordan 2016 draws ever closer, excitement has been growing at local level as the finishing touches are put to preparations for the largest event ever held in the Kingdom, located in the heart of the Middle East.
Renowned the world over for their hospitality, the Jordanians have not neglected the sporting aspect of the festivities, and their U-17 team has stepped up the intensity of their training schedule in order to hit peak form when the tournament begins.
With just 12 weeks to go, Jordan are continuing to work towards their opening match of the competition against Spain, under the watchful eye of their English coach, Robbie Johnson, and local assistants Maher Abu Hantash, Khader Eid and Anees Shafeeq, who have put in a tremendous effort on a daily basis to ensure that the players are ready.
“Jordan’s U-17 women’s team is extremely enthusiastic and the players are keen to learn,” said Johnson, who took up the reins at the beginning of March. “They’re a happy bunch. The girls who’ve been selected must, while working together with the backroom staff, give all they’ve got to be at their best, in terms of their physical and technical preparation. That will ensure that we can compete at the tournament.”
The team is made up of a core group of girls who won the AFC U-14 Girls’ Regional Championship (West Zone) and subsequently moved up to U-17 level. From the moment that Jordan were selected as hosts, the players began training – over several different stages – for the prestigious event.
They have taken part in high-energy training camps in Uzbekistan, Egypt and Portugal, and despite having to juggle schoolwork and football, they have been given invaluable support from their families, who encouraged them to train hard. This is turn has helped them to achieve the necessary focus out on the pitch.
All the Jordan squad are aware of the responsibility that rests on their shoulders. “Last year, I was picked from a number of players to join the team,” recounted Jana Abu Goush. “My skill level is improving by the day, and I’m trying to do everything I can to show I’m good enough to play at this tournament.”
Goalkeeper Joud Alshanti, who has been a huge football fan since her infancy, when she would kick a ball around with her siblings, added: “Our morale is improving with each day that goes by. We know how important this competition is. The daily training sessions have really brought us together and have made us a strong unit.”
Tasneem Isleem, for her part, made a point of stressing how honoured she feels each time she pulls on her country’s jersey. “We’re very proud to be taking part in this tournament,” she said. “It’s a World Cup, after all – the kind of thing that all of us dream about. It’s a great privilege to represent my country at this global event.”
The Jordanians are currently running daily training sessions and plan to embark on further training camps in the coming days, first in Germany and then in England in August. After that, Johnson’s charges will return to Amman for the final stage of their preparations, which will entail playing friendly matches against other competing teams.

Jordan seminar seeks to leverage U-17 legacy and grow women’s football in West Asia

FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup

Jordan seminar seeks to leverage U-17 legacy and grow women’s football in West Asia

Mesut Ozil (C) poses with members of the women's U-17 Jordanian national football team during a training session on May 18, 2016 at the International Stadium in Amman.
As part of the legacy programme of the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup Jordan 2016, a regional women’s football development seminar was held in Jordan between 17 and 20 May.
During the three-day programme, which was focused on West Asia, the seminar brought together general secretaries, technical directors and women’s football development managers from Bahrain, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Oman, and Iran, as well as representatives from FIFA, AFC, the West Asian Football Federation (WAFF) and the U-17 World Cup’s Local Organising Committee (LOC).
The seminar took place in a crucial period of change within FIFA and global football, with the participation of girls and women at all levels of the game having become a key priority for FIFA and its member associations and confederations.
The topics covered ranged from the status, potential and future of women’s football development in West Asia, to participation, strategic planning, promotion, marketing, grassroots, youth and league development. Member associations also debated how best to improve the competitive level in the region and discussed the implementation of development tournaments to accelerate the progress being made by women’s football.
A passionate and open debate then took place within a panel composed by representatives from, Bahrain, Iran, Oman, Palestine, Jordan and the U-17 World Cup LOC. The panel focused on the different cultural, social and political obstacles existing in the region and how those involved break down barriers and work hard to further women’s football. Hosting the U-17 Women’s World Cup was identified as a key milestone for growing the women’s game in the region and as an example to follow for other member associations.
Sais Elahe Arab Ameri, vice-president and head of women’s football at Iran’s football association, was positive about the seminar and its likely impact. She said: “It brought all of us together, from the different countries in West Asia, we felt close, and we shared knowledge, experience and discussed openly our common challenges. It was impressive that this seminar was organised by women and led by women, as speakers and experts. They gave us a lot of information and, for Iran, it was important to learn how to develop a competitive women’s league”
“When I return to Iran, I want to hold a seminar like this, to share what I have learnt with colleagues, coaches and our national teams”
The seminar was also a platform for hearing inspirational stories from Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen, where impressive plans and activities are in place despite the apparent and significant difficulties facing these nations. As Safa Abdallah Al-Shaoubi, head of women’s football in Yemen, said: “My wish is for decision-makers in my country to understand the role of women within football for greater inclusion and diversity in society.
“The discussions and presentations were very helpful,” she added. “We heard from FIFA, AFC and the instructors, and they gave me ideas on how to develop women’s football in Yemen if I have the opportunity to move forward.”
The week also included an extra-special moment when Jordan’s U-17 women’s national team were visited by a world champion: Germany and Arsenal star Mesut Ozil.
The seminar, meanwhile, concluded with a round table focused on the legacy of the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup Jordan 2016, where member associations brought forward recommendations for FIFA and AFC to support women’s football and create a shared vision for women’s football in West Asia.
The LOC has officially extended an invitation for associations in the region to apply and recommend their female staff for different responsibilities during the tournament, while their respective women’s national teams have also been invited to to attend some of the matches.
Later in the year, FIFA will organise a regional coaching workshop during the U-17 Women’s World Cup for coaches working in women’s football in the region. The coaches will have the chance to observe and analyse the games and learn from world-class FIFA instructors.
These events are all part of FIFA’s development strategy for women’s football to enhance the legacy of Jordan 2016.

Greece sanctioned for fielding ineligible player in friendly

Football Governance

Greece sanctioned for fielding ineligible player in friendly

General view of the FIFA Headquarter
© Getty Images
Hellenic Football Federation (HFF) has been sanctioned for fielding an ineligible player in the international friendly match played between Turkey and Greece on 17 November 2015.
The match is declared to be lost by forfeit and awarded 3-0 in favor of Turkey, with the HFF also receiving a fine of CHF 4,000 after the FIFA Disciplinary Committee considered the HFF liable for having breached art. 55 par. 2 of the FIFA Disciplinary Code (FDC).
The sanction relates to the player Apostolos Giannou who had already played in an official youth competition with the representative team of the Football Federation of Australia and played the aforementioned international match for Greece without the HFF previously requesting a decision on a change of association in accordance with arts. 5 and 8 pars. 1 and 3 of the Regulations Governing the Application of the FIFA Statutes. 

Argentina stay top as All Whites and EURO heroes soar

FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking

Argentina stay top as All Whites and EURO heroes soar

New Zealand celebrate winning the OFC Nations Cup
Argentina remain at the summit of the July FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking, but only after a tumultuous month of action that resulted in plenty of movement further down.
The impact of three recent major international tournaments – the OFC Nations Cup, Copa America Centenario and UEFA EURO 2016 – is certainly plain to see in a table in which Kosovo are ranked for the first time. A total of 228 ‘A’ internationals contributed to the new order, with those big events in Oceania, Europe and the Americas especially important in propelling nations upwards.
New Zealand emerged as the month’s biggest climbers, moving up a whopping 54 places to 93rd on the back of an OFC Nations Cup victory that both qualified the All Whites for the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup and furthered their FIFA World Cup™ qualifying ambitions. Portugal will also be heading to Russia 2017 after their shock EURO 2016 triumph, an achievement that resulted in them leapfrogging Spain and Brazil into sixth position.
There was also some small consolation for France, Portugal’s vanquished final opponents, who were among several teams to profit from impressive EURO campaigns. While Les Bleus climbed ten places to a new position of seventh, Poland rose 11 to 16th and there were 12-place jumps for both Iceland and Croatia, who now sit 22nd and 15th respectively. Surprise semi-finalists Wales fared better still, picking up 291 ranking points – this month’s biggest tally - to advance 15 positions to 11th.
The Icelanders, meanwhile, are one of five teams to have reached their best-ever position in this latest table, along with Guinea-Bissau (75th, plus 40), St Kitts and Nevis (80th, plus 12), Kazakhstan (97th, plus 15) and Comoros (155th, plus 7). Yet despite all this activity, the ranking’s top five remains unchanged, with Argentina, Belgium, Colombia, Germany and Chile – all of whom reached the latter stages of their respective tournaments – doing enough to hold off the pretenders below.
The next FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking will be published on 11 August 2016.
Moves into top ten
France (7th, up 10), Italy (10th, up 2)
Moves out of top ten
Uruguay (12th, down 3), Austria (21st, down 11)
Matches played in total
Most matches played
Portugal, France (9 matches each)
Biggest move by points
Wales (up 291 points)
Biggest move by ranks
New Zealand (up 54 ranks)
Biggest drop by points
Austria (down 202 points)
Biggest drop by ranks
Belize (down 50 ranks)
Newly ranked teams
Kosovo (190th)
Teams no longer ranked
Inactive teams, not ranked

New stadium to add to Volgograd's unique cityscape

Russia 2018

New stadium to add to Volgograd's unique cityscape

Volgograd Arena - Volgograd, Russia - July 2016
As the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ draws ever nearer, construction on all the tournament's stadiums continues apace. Every month FIFA.com brings fans up to speed on how progress is going.
This month's progress
Every month the construction site at the Volgograd Arena leaves us with particularly memorable images, thanks to the incomparable location of the future Russia 2018 venue. The stadium is being built on the site of FC Rotor's old stadium on the banks of the Volga river, next to the city park at the foot of Mamayev Kurgan.
This hill in the centre of Volgograd is known around the world for the vicious fighting that occurred here during the Second World War. Indeed, this is the spot where you will find the "Memorial to the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad", above which towers one of the tallest statues in the world, named "The Motherland Calls".
Naturally, the very location of the stadium places significant demands on its construction. The architects were required to harmoniously fit the Volgograd Arena within the panorama of the city and tactfully add to the Mamayev Kurgan arrangement. There are also plans to renovate the memorial park adjacent to the stadium, which is set to become FC Rotor's home ground after the tournament.
The FIFA World Cup is an opportunity for the city to boost its appeal. "Tourism is expected to grow after Russia 2018 and we have everything in place for this," announced Volgograd Regional Governor Andrei Bocharov. "We need to clean up the well-known areas and develop new transport routes. We have to change our approach and provide for different tourist options."
The actual construction of the arena is going ahead at full speed. The stands are being finished off, while the concrete on the body of the stadium is 96 per cent complete. Work on the stadium's facade has begun: the first section weighing 45 tonnes was mounted in July. The seven large blocks of the facade – white multi-beam steel constructions weighing from 25 to 60 tonnes – have already been assembled. The general contractor has also started the finishing works, with the floor being laid on the ground level of the venue.
Elsewhere in Russia
In Ekaterinburg, the first of the two circles that will support the roof of the stadium has been erected. The inner circle has already been moulded and assembled, the outer circle will be finished in autumn.
Constructors are preparing to install the roof in Kaliningrad, while in Samara seven of the 32 panels for the dome roof have been put in place. It is expected that a third of the roof will have been completed by the end of September.
In Rostov-on-Don, work has started on the stadium's facade and the redevelopment of the surrounding area, while the barriers are continuing to be erected. 
They have begun assembling the main steelwork providing the frame of the stadium's roof in Nizhny Novgorod. The roof will be put in place using a creeper crane with a maximum load capacity of 750 tonnes, of which there are only two in Russia.
The stat
1611 -
The number of people involved in the construction of the Mordovia Arena in Saransk: 1447 are workers and 164 are engineers or technicians.
Did you know?
The Luzhniki Stadium, which will host the Opening Match and the Final of Russia 2018, turns 60 on 31 July. The birthday celebrations were held on 23 July during the Sports Day festivities at the Luzhniki Olympic Complex. More than 60 competitions were set up not far from the stadium, for football, BMX and mountain biking, freestyling, street football and other disciplines.

The debate goes on

England 1966

The debate goes on 


It is a discussion that has been raging for 50 years. Did England’s third goal, the one that put the Three Lions ahead in extra time en route to their 4-2 victory over Germany FR in front of a packed Wembley Stadium in the 1966 FIFA World Cup™ Final actually cross the line? Should that goal have stood?
Geoff Hurst, the hosts’ hat-trick hero who is credited with scoring that infamous third goal, strongly thinks there should be no debate about it.
“I will tell anyone connected with world football, that ball was at least one metre over the line, full stop,” Hurst told FIFA.com confidently. However, the England striker will admit that after he hit the ball, he did not have the greatest view of what transpired in that 101st minute of play.
“I hit the ball on the half-turn,” Hurst explained. “I fell over, so I had a very poor view and the ball actually bounced behind (Germany goalkeeper Hans) Tilkowski, so I didn’t see it…But you want to believe more than your life’s worth that the ball crossed the line. And so that belief has been strongly within to today.
“And I’ve always gone on my team-mate Roger Hunt’s celebration. He wheeled away in celebration when he could have put the ball in the net himself. He shouted ‘It’s a goal’ and I’ve always gone on that.”
That explanation, though, is not good enough for Tilkowski who, to this day, staunchly believes the ball never fully crossed the line. “I am still today 100 per cent sure it was not a goal,” the German No1 told FIFA.com. “I looked back over my left should and I could see clearly the ball wasn’t behind the line. It bounced on the line.”
Woeful Weber
Unsurprisingly, Tilkowski’s team-mate Wolfgang Weber recounts the situation quite similarly. Germany’s centre-back likely had one of the best views of what actually happened as the No6 was in position to head the ball over the line after it had bounced back off the turf. Having scored the equaliser in the 89th minute to force extra time, Weber was understandably frustrated when the assistant referee signaled to the referee Hurst’s shot was in fact a goal.
“Yes, I had a great view,” Weber told FIFA.com. “That’s why I was so furious after the goal. I pulled down Bobby Charlton’s arms as he was already celebrating. Together with Siggi Heldt and Wolfgang Overath, we ran to the linesman and tried to convince him to take his decision back.
“However, [back in 1966] England was a deserved World Champion and we were a tough opponent,” Weber said. “This is football.”
Fifty years on, Hunt, Hurst, Tilkowski and Weber’s half-century debate would have been settled within seconds.
Following a Frank Lampard strike, coincidentally scored against Germany during the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, which crossed the line and was incorrectly ruled out, FIFA approached The IFAB (International Football Association Board) to re-open the discussion. Testing began in 2011 and Goal-Line Technology was approved by the IFAB in 2012.
Since then, it has been successfully implemented across a number of FIFA events, including the FIFA World Cup™, the FIFA Women’s World Cup™, the FIFA Confederations Cup and the FIFA Club World Cup. It has also been used at national level by member associations such as The FA in England and the DFB in Germany, as well as by a number of leagues including the Premier League (England), Ligue 1 (France), Bundesliga (Germany), Serie A (Italy) and selected matches in the Eredivisie (Netherlands), as well as UEFA EURO 2016.
“I welcome Goal-Line Technology,” concluded Weber. “I think the question: goal or no goal? is the most important question in football and this decision should always have the correct answer.” Unbeatable: Geoff Hurst’s hat-trick

The debate goes on

England 1966

The debate goes on

It is a discussion that has been raging for 50 years. Did England’s third goal, the one that put the Three Lions ahead in extra time en route to their 4-2 victory over Germany FR in front of a packed Wembley Stadium in the 1966 FIFA World Cup™ Final actually cross the line? Should that goal have stood?
Geoff Hurst, the hosts’ hat-trick hero who is credited with scoring that infamous third goal, strongly thinks there should be no debate about it.
“I will tell anyone connected with world football, that ball was at least one metre over the line, full stop,” Hurst told FIFA.com confidently. However, the England striker will admit that after he hit the ball, he did not have the greatest view of what transpired in that 101st minute of play.
“I hit the ball on the half-turn,” Hurst explained. “I fell over, so I had a very poor view and the ball actually bounced behind (Germany goalkeeper Hans) Tilkowski, so I didn’t see it…But you want to believe more than your life’s worth that the ball crossed the line. And so that belief has been strongly within to today.
“And I’ve always gone on my team-mate Roger Hunt’s celebration. He wheeled away in celebration when he could have put the ball in the net himself. He shouted ‘It’s a goal’ and I’ve always gone on that.”
That explanation, though, is not good enough for Tilkowski who, to this day, staunchly believes the ball never fully crossed the line. “I am still today 100 per cent sure it was not a goal,” the German No1 told FIFA.com. “I looked back over my left should and I could see clearly the ball wasn’t behind the line. It bounced on the line.”
Woeful Weber
Unsurprisingly, Tilkowski’s team-mate Wolfgang Weber recounts the situation quite similarly. Germany’s centre-back likely had one of the best views of what actually happened as the No6 was in position to head the ball over the line after it had bounced back off the turf. Having scored the equaliser in the 89th minute to force extra time, Weber was understandably frustrated when the assistant referee signaled to the referee Hurst’s shot was in fact a goal.
“Yes, I had a great view,” Weber told FIFA.com. “That’s why I was so furious after the goal. I pulled down Bobby Charlton’s arms as he was already celebrating. Together with Siggi Heldt and Wolfgang Overath, we ran to the linesman and tried to convince him to take his decision back.
“However, [back in 1966] England was a deserved World Champion and we were a tough opponent,” Weber said. “This is football.”
Fifty years on, Hunt, Hurst, Tilkowski and Weber’s half-century debate would have been settled within seconds.
Following a Frank Lampard strike, coincidentally scored against Germany during the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, which crossed the line and was incorrectly ruled out, FIFA approached The IFAB (International Football Association Board) to re-open the discussion. Testing began in 2011 and Goal-Line Technology was approved by the IFAB in 2012.
Since then, it has been successfully implemented across a number of FIFA events, including the FIFA World Cup™, the FIFA Women’s World Cup™, the FIFA Confederations Cup and the FIFA Club World Cup. It has also been used at national level by member associations such as The FA in England and the DFB in Germany, as well as by a number of leagues including the Premier League (England), Ligue 1 (France), Bundesliga (Germany), Serie A (Italy) and selected matches in the Eredivisie (Netherlands), as well as UEFA EURO 2016.
“I welcome Goal-Line Technology,” concluded Weber. “I think the question: goal or no goal? is the most important question in football and this decision should always have the correct answer.”


Humberto Ferreira Cachoeira, conhecido como Kachoeira da Seresta, nascido em Uauá – Bahia, veio para São Paulo em 1997, com sonho de ser cantor, trabalhou como metalúrgico, em construção civil. gravou  o primeiro CD no ano de 2005, pela gravadora: CD CENTER DO BRASIL.
Onde a musica Boate Azul, se destacou dando inicio a uma trajetória de sucesso, Hoje com com 5 CD’s gravados, 3 Dvd’s , com 200mil Copias vendidas de cds originais lançados e produzidos pela gravadora Cd Center do Brasil, mais 5 milhões de visualizações nas redes sociais, (youtube, palco mp3 ,sua musica).

  Imagem inline 1Imagem inline 2Imagem inline 3


quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2016

Gelson Fogazzi Rocha BRAZILIAN COACH !

C u r r i c u l u m  V i t a e
Gelson Fogazzi Rocha
E-mail= football_brazil@.yahoo.com.br


Dados Pessoais
Idade: 53 anos (DN: 19/05/1952)
Estado Civil: Casado
Naturalidade: Porto Alegre - RS
Carteira de Identidade nº: 1.943.415 (SSP/BA)
Certificado de Pessoa Física: 090.285.015-68

Carreira como Jogador de Futebol Amador
Ø  Categoria de Base do Grêmio Football Portoalegrense: 1966 - 1970
Ø  Esporte Clube Internacional: 1971 – 1972
Ø  Seleção Brasileira Amadora: 1970 – 1971
Ø  Seleção Brasileira Olímpica: 1972

Carreira como Jogador de Futebol Profissional
Ø  Esporte Clube Internacional: 1973 – 1976
Ø  Esporte Clube Vitória: 1977 – 1979
Ø  Clube de Regatas Flamengo: 1980 – 1981
Ø  Joinville Esporte Clube: 1982 - 1984

Títulos Conquistados como Amador
Grêmio Football Portoalegrense:
1966 – Campeão Estadual Mirim
1967 – Campeão Estadual Infantil
1968 – Campeão Estadual Infanto-Juvenil
1969 – Campeão Estadual Juvenil
1970 – Campeão Estadual Júnior
1972 – Campeão Sul-Americano de Juniores
1972 – Campeão Estadual Júnior
Seleção Brasileira:
Ø  1971, – Campeão Pré-Olímpico

Títulos Conquistados Como Profissional
Esporte Clube Internacional:
1973 - Campeão Estadual
         - Campeão da Copa Sul
1974 - Bi-Campeão Estadual
1975 - Campeão Brasileiro
         - Tri-Campeão Estadual
1976 - Bi-Campeão Brasileiro 
         - Tetra-Campeão Estadual
Esporte Clube Vitória:
1977-79 - Vice-Campeão Estadual
Clube de Regatas Flamengo:
1980 - Campeão Estadual
         - Campeão Brasileiro
         - Campeão da Taça Libertadores da América
1981 - Campeão Mundial Interclubes
Joinville Esporte Clube:
1982 – Campeão Estadual
1983 – Bi-Campeão Estadual
1984 – Tri-Campeão Estadual
Final Prematuro da carreira devido a um acidente onde fraturou os dedos das duas mãos, impedindo-o de continuar a pegar no gol.

Atletas Importantes com os Quais Trabalhei
Ø  Arthur Antunes Coimbra (Zico) – Seleção Brasileira e Clube de Regatas Flamengo
Ø  Paulo Roberto Falcão – Esporte Clube Internacional
Ø  Paulo César Carpeggiane – Esporte Clube Internacional e Clube de Regatas Flamengo
Ø  Valdir Espinosa – Grêmio Football Portoalegrense
Ø  Wanderley Luxemburgo – Clube de Regatas Flamengo
Ø  Luiz Felipe Escolari – Seleção Gaúcha
Ø  Marco Aurélio – Seleção Brasileira
Ø  Ricardo Elias Figueiroa – Esporte Clube Internacional
Ø  Hélio dos Anjos – Joinville Esporte Clube e Clube de Regatas Flamengo
Ø  Abel Braga – Seleção Brasileira
Ø  Ivo Wortmann – Grêmio Football Portoalegrense
Ø  Valmir Louruz – Esporte Clube Internacional

Técnicos Importantes com os Quais Trabalhei
Ø  Jorge Lobo Zagallo – Clube de Regatas Flamengo
Ø  Carlos Alberto Parreira – Seleção Brasileira
Ø  Paulo César Carpeggiane – Clube de Regatas Flamengo
Ø  Cláudio Coutinho – Clube de Regatas Flamengo
Ø  Aimoré Moreira – Esporte Clube Vitória
Ø  Zezé Moreira – Seleção Baiana
Ø  Rubens Minelli – Esporte Clube Internacional
Ø  Otto Glória – Grêmio Football Portoalegrense
Ø  Dino Sani – Esporte Clube Internacional
Ø  Nilton Santos – Esporte Clube Vitória
Ø  Carlos Froner – Grêmio Football Portoalegrense

Cursos Sobre Futebol
Ø  Formado pela Escola Superior de Educação Física do Exército, no Rio de Janeiro, onde foi realizado o único curso completo sobre futebol na América do Sul
Ø  Curso de Atualização e Reciclagem, ministrado pelo Sr. Joseph Blatter
Ø  Curso de Técnica, Tática e Psicologia para o Futebol, ministrada pelo professor da FIFA José Bonetti
Ø  Curso Internacional de Futebol, ministrado pelo professor Horst Gronk, ex-preparador físico da Seleção Alemã
Ø  Fusball Course 2000 – Modernas Técnicas para o Futebol Internacional, ministrado pelo professor Horst Gronk
Ø  Curso de Administração Esportiva, ministrado por José Carlos Brunoro e Domingos Afif
Ø  Especialização em treinamento de goleiro, fazendo parte do livro do professor CARLESSO.
Ø  Especialização em Programa Esportivo, ministrado por Kristiano Vasconcelos.
Ø  Curso de Administração  e Planejamento Esportivo, ministrado pela professora Ida Ribeiro Moraes

Outros Cursos Importantes
Ø  Fisioterapia Aplicada ao Futebol
Ø  Massagem Aplicada ao Futebol
Ø  Condicionamento Psicológico no Futebol
Ø  Princípios Básicos de Anatomia
Ø  Condicionamento Físico Aplicado ao Futebol
Ø  Didática Aplicada ao Futebol
Ø  Preparação e Formação de Goleiros
Ø  Programação e Planejamento de Treinamento
Ø  Organograma Objetivado
Ø  Musculação para o Futebol
Ø  Escola de Formação de Atletas de Base
Ø  Alimentação, Nutrição, Repouso, Desgaste Físico e Recomposição

Carreira como Técnico Profissional
Ø  Villas Tennis Clube (Escola de Futebol)
Ø  Catuense Futebol Clube
Ø  Associação Esportiva Leônico
Ø  Esporte Clube Ipiranga
Ø  Seleção Brasileira dos Advogados
Ø  Esporte Clube Galicia
Ø  E.C. Vitória
Ø  Fluminense de Feira
Ø  Itabuna Esporte Clube
Ø  Camaçariense FC
Ø  Itabuna EC
Ø  Itabuna EC
Ø  Galicia EC

Referências Pessoais
Ø  Paulo Roberto Falcão.
Ø  Luiz Felipe Escolare
Ø  Marco Aurélio.
Ø  Abel Braga.
Ø  Hélio dos Anjos.
Ø  Vanderley Luxenburgo
Ø  Otacílio Gonsalves.
Ø  Ivo Wortmann.
Ø  Carlos Alberto Parreira
Ø  Zico